Social Media Manager

Instagram is My Jam!

I am your Instagram Business Manager. What does that mean? It means I run your brand’s Instagram account. But I am not the content creator. I will however provide my expert opinion on the content you need to produce and provide to me to promote you.

Are you ready to not create captions, or plan what you are going to post for the day, or week?
When you hire me you can forget about having to plan your Instagram timeline, story, tv, and/or reel content. I will brainstorm and create brilliant captions that speak directly to your target audience. That was one thing I learned through my leggings business: TARGET YOUR IDEAL CUSTOMER. I for some reason had it in my head that if someone had legs, they were my target audience 🤷🏽‍♀️ That couldn’t be the furthest from the truth. Before we begin with our Instagram marketing partnership, it is of utmost importance that you have your ideal customer nailed down. If you however need help with that, we can certainly work on identifying that through my research tips.

I also conduct extensive hashtag research to get your content properly positioned for maximum exposure, saves, shares. All of the things Instagram likes and rewards…ENGAGEMENT! Hashtags are an often time overlooked part of Instagram growth and views. I see a lot of business accounts that hardly have a caption and maybe 1-3 hashtags, and they are the wrong tags and I have a Hashtag Hottie program for $49 that shows you exactly how hashtags work, how to find the best ones for you, your brand, your niche and the hashtags you should stay away from. Hashtags help your content get seen beyond the 1-2 hours after you’ve posted to your timeline.

I know you want exponential growth and results. To achieve this you must put out GREAT CONTENT. That means the quality of the image, the cohesiveness of branding and evoking emotion. The most important thing to do is to put out content that relates and connects to what your target audience truly cares about. It’s not always about what you like. In most cases you are not your target audience.

Maybe you struggle with being consistent. Let me help you with that. Having me as your Instagram account manager means, I have planned your content ahead of schedule, for the week, month and quarterly. Now you are thinking, but I want to keep my content fresh. It will be fresh to your audience. We will strategize. I will forecast and have you give me all the content I need. You may hear me tell you to batch content. When you do that…you can get Instagram content creation off your plate and spend your valuable time running the other parts of your business.

black owned social media marketing

Want to get started and ready for me to be your Instagram manager? Great! I suggest that you check my 📋 Instagram service price list for your varying needs. Maybe you don’t need the full management package…You might need me to simply perform the engagement on your account because you don’t have the time to do this key function. The list will break it down for you.